Ich weiß nicht, ob sich jemand an die zwei Ziegen/Böcke in Terranigma erinnern kann und soweit ich weiß, wurden die in der deutschen Übersetzung (oh Wunder) falsch übersetzt, bin mir aber nicht zu 100% sicher... nun.
"After you slide down a slope and hit a wall, you trigger an avalanche. You just barely manage you escape in a cave. Inside the cave are a mountain goats couple who also had to flee inside the cave, however the husband died while trying to make it inside. The first thing you'll notice is how the female seems to be really calm and collected about his passing.
As the night falls she suggests you cuddle up against the two goats so you won't die of hypothermia and starts questioning whether you get lonely. When you wake up, she starts eating her husband for breakfast and tells you to do the same. Once she had breakfast, she went back to her plan of escape; to bash through a wall of the cave where the ice is the thinnest. When she finally manages to do it, the two of you pass through and find a way out way at the top of the cave. However because the wall of crystals is to too steep for her to climb, you are forced to escape it by yourself, leaving her behind."
Die Szene kommt durch die Tatsache, dass es sich hier um ein Paar handelt und dass das Weibchen das Männchen gefressen hat, um zu überleben, noch einmal um einiges krasser rüber.