OMG @Steenerico endlich finde ich mal jemanden, der diese Sendung kennt!
Hab das Gefühl, dass Justified hier in Deutschland wirklich sehr unbekannt ist
Ein paar meiner Lieblingszitate aus Justified:
Raylan [wirft eine Kugel auf Wynn Duffy] "Next one's coming faster."
"I've shot people I liked more for less."
"Did you not wake up this morning thinking this was another 'Opportunity to mess up some bad guys'-day? I did."
Und dann natürlich, diese Szene:
"You ever hear the saying "you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole; you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."
Boyd "You know what I think, Raylan? I think you're just jealous that I've got to open a present that will never be under your Christmas tree."
Raylan "I think you love anything lets you put your head on the pillow at night believin' you ain't the bad guy."
Boyd "You know what I'm wondering? Is, what do you tell yourself at night when you lay your head down that allows you to wake up in the morning pretending that you're not the bad guy?"
Ganz tolle Serie, eine Empfehlung für jeden, der Bock auf einen Neo-Western hat!